MicroBit Brained Robots
I made a few Microbit Robots for the local library coding class. This one was printed from scratch. These two used commercial chassis. They all use a homemade dual motor…
Nothing to see here...
I made a few Microbit Robots for the local library coding class. This one was printed from scratch. These two used commercial chassis. They all use a homemade dual motor…
I decided to swap my K40 controller for a GERBIL from awesome.tech. I considered the Cohesion 3D too. I’ve been using GRBL CNC controller with a few custom tweaks to…
I needed a simple air flow meter for a project so I went out to the garage and grabbed a MAF that was pulled from a Hyundai. I used a…
I’ve been working on my tractor. Still have to replace a hydraulic hose and one axle seal but It drives around fine… I am still going to convert it to…
My robots are getting larger and the standard hobby servos just don’t cut it any more. I got a bunch of car window motors & wiper motors and decided to…
My local library had a bunch of Cigar Boxes left over from a crafternoon. I had this idea for the next gamer night. Make some USB joysticks…. I used some…